Michael is working today
Instructor Schedule
Hours: 9am - 5pm
Michael Curtis | Flight Instructor
Certificates & Ratings Held: CFI, CFII
Aircraft Specialization:
C172 C182 |
Instructor Bio
I have lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1999. Growing up, I was always fascinated with the unique collection of aircraft that operate in the Puget Sound, be it floatplanes, unpainted 737s, or the Blue Angels on their annual visit for Seafair. If it makes noise and flies, you can guarantee I am looking up to see what is passing overhead.
My work in the aviation industry began in college with a couple of seasons working on the dock for Kenmore Air at Lake Union. After working at Kenmore, I knew I would love to get my pilot’s license someday but did not think about it as a career option. After graduating from the University of Colorado, Boulder, I began a career in video production and marketing, which I eventually came to realize was not for me. After some soul searching, I decided to revisit the idea of a pilot’s license and eventually decided to pursue a career as an airline pilot.
I started flight training with Rainier Flight Service in October of 2022 and started working here as a CFI in June of 2024. While completing my training to be a CFI, I worked at the front desk as a customer service representative at Rainier’s Renton location, helping others start their journey in aviation.
Outside of my passion for aviation, I enjoy sports (go Mariners, Rainiers, Seahawks, Sounders!), attending local car meets, playing live music with my band Little Planet, enjoying a nice craft beer, and spending time with family and friends.
I am very familiar with the ins and outs of flight training here at Rainier Flight Service and look forward to teaching the next generation of pilots!